Do you have chronic lower back pain?

We are seeking participants for a research study investigating the effectiveness of two, free smartphone apps. Participation involves two virtual study sessions, daily engagement with a free, smartphone app for ten days (10 minutes/day), and completion of one daily survey for ten days (5 minutes/day). Each virtual session should take no more than one hour and will consist competing a survey about your mood, thoughts, feelings, and demographics. Participants will receive up to $50 for completing the study. This study will be completed completely online. Approval of this study is on file with the University of Connecticut IRB (protocol #H20-0165).

To be eligible to participate, you must have chronic lower back pain, be 18 or older, be fluent in English, and possess a smartphone. For more information, or to sign up for the study, please contact Dr. Natalie Shook at or (860) 486-0913.